Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So anyone who is a mom dealing with stomach issues, digestive problems in their children or child. Trust me. Your child's face will light up. This pro

Hi Marcy,

My daughter is 8 years old. She has been dealing with stomach issues since Feb. 2011. She missed 6 weeks of school because she was in so much pain. We had to bring her to the hospital a bunch of times. She was so constipated. The doctors had her on 4 different meds. From laxatives, to meds to take before a scope was done to clean her out, we put her on strict diet, on and on.
She ended taking Motrin or Tylenol for pain. She was still in pain and no one could give us when it will stop. Meds provided short temp solution. She has been on DE for a week.
She has made a 100% turn around. Her bowels are better, her stomach doesn't hurt she is sleeping through the night not waking up in pain, she is functioning so well!



Hi Kate!

That's wonderful I am so happy your daughter is not in pain anymore!
I'm sure everyone is so relieved she is doing so well now and the pain is gone. It's so nice to hear success stories and this one is just fantastic! I am so grateful for finding this product and seeing the results of people reaping the benefits of taking it. With your permission I would like to put this success story on our blog let me know if that is fine with you?

Thank you for the wonderful positive story you made my day!

Warmest Regards to you and your Daughter,:)
Marcy :)


Hi Marcy,
I am very thankful. We were researching everything possible that could make her back to then old Cassie. BTW she has severe asthma as well as one kidney. I am so excited about DE what good things will can and will bring.
I'm expecting big things. She constantly reminds me (drink time) LOL. I have told ton of mothers as well as friends and relatives. If you would have saw her a week ago you could have understood the stress we were under. Why isn't anything working? Doctors are suppose to bring relief. Why can't they do anything more? They said that her intestines were stretched from being constipated. 3 months of pure agony watching her like this. I told my husband what do we do? Find another doctor? Keep giving her meds that don't work? We had to be patient because soon the answer of a grieving mom would be given.
I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Isn't it the worse when you have a child and he medical team who are suppose to give you relief and heal you just dismiss you and say well come back if she gets worse. You're left holding the bag, more tearful nights and days? Looking your once spunky happy go-lucky child filled to sadness and pain. Then there is the guilt every parent feels. Am I fighting enough, am I looking hard enough for answers? My daughter asks Mom why does it hurt so much? I think I need to go to the doctors. I wish I wasn't in so much pain. All I could do is her meds that provided few hours of relief then back to the same pain game again.

So anyone who is a mom dealing with stomach issues, digestive problems in their children or child. Trust me. Your child's face will light up. This product is nothing short but a miracle.



Hi Marcy,
I am very thankful. We were researching everything possible that could make her back to then old Cassie. BTW she has severe asthma as well as one kidney. I am so excited about DE what good things will can and will bring.
I'm expecting big things. She constantly reminds me (drink time) LOL. I have told ton of mothers as well as friends and relatives. If you would have saw her a week ago you could have understood the stress we were under. Why isn't anything working? Doctors are suppose to bring relief. Why can't they do anything more? They said that her intestines were stretched from being
constipated. 3 months of pure agony watching her like this. I told my husband what do we do? Find another doctor? Keep giving her meds that don't work? We had to be patient because soon the answer of a grieving mom would be given.

I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Isn't it the worse when you have a child and he medical team who are suppose to give you relief and heal you just dismiss you and say well come back if she gets worse. You're left holding the bag, more tearful nights and days? Looking your once spunky happy go-lucky child filled to sadness and pain. Then there is the guilt every parent feels. Am I fighting enough, am I looking hard enough for answers? My daughter asks Mom why does it hurt so much? I think I need to go to the doctors. I wish I wasn't in so much pain. All I could do is her meds that provided few hours of relief then back to the same pain game again.

So anyone who is a mom dealing with stomach issues, digestive problems in their children or child. Trust me. Your child's face will light up. This product is nothing short but a miracle.



Anonymous said...

Great blog- are there any negative resulsts from using DE?


Team Diatomite Canada said...

If you take too much too quickly your body will detox too fast and you will feel real terrible. That is an unpleasant drawback but if you can handle taking that much you will detox faster of course... Take the recommended amount for the first 2 weeks of a teaspoon and then up it to a tablespoon per day. Food grade fossil shell flour DE is a wonderful all natural product mined from mother earth! :)